Welcome To Community Protestant Church
Welcome To Community Protestant Church
“We built a sanctuary sure; It stands on sacred sod.
A church erected to endure, the temple of our God.
We come to worship in this place with aspiration high:
It is the consecrated place where God himself draws nigh.”
By Harold Humbert
As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Community Protestant Church, we take time to reflect and thank God for the journey that has led us to this place in time. We are cognizant of the fact that it was the grace of God which led a small band of devout Christians, listening to that still small voice whispering here is the place for my house of worship - my people need a home of their own.
And so, Community Protestant Church was founded in the Spring of 1969, when two dedicated Christians, Lorraine C. Anthony and Virginia Henneman, enlisted the help of fellow cooperators in organizing a Protestant place of worship in Co-op City. Included in this visionary group were some of our members still active today: Ruth Webber and Frances Wilson.
Rev. Henry H. Hobbs of Westchester United Methodist Church served as the spiritual advisor for the fledgling congregation. The first meeting was held in the hallway of Building Two. The first services of the Church were held in the homes of members, in a community room in Building Two, and in shared space with Temple Beth El in Building One. The first fundraiser was a Strawberry Festival and Raffle.
The first pastor of the Church was Rev. Julius Sasportas. During his tenure, the structure of the young Church took shape. Lay leaders were elected and ordained, a Board of Trustees was established, the Senior Choir, the Senior Usher Board, the Sunday School, the Willing Workers, Women’s Guild, and the office of Church Clerk were organized. Incorporation Papers were granted on March 21, 1971.
In May 1972, the Church moved into its first home, a small space in the Bartow Center of Co-op City which it quickly outgrew, and Sunday services were held in a nearby rented hall until additional space adjoining the Church became available.
The second Pastor of the Church was Rev. Daniel Ward who served from December 1972–1975 under the auspices of the Southern Baptist Convention. Among the programs established during his pastorate were the After School Program, Vacation Bible School, confirmation classes, Adult Bible Class and Prayer Meeting, Youth Council and Junior Usher Board, the Angelic Voices, the Voices of Hope, a newsletter, a newspaper column, an annual Women’s Day, an annual Men’s Day and the annual Church picnic sponsored by the Men’s Club.
Under his dynamic and innovative leadership, the Church has made great strides as a community of Christian believers and as a force for good in the wider community of the Bronx. Membership continued to grow. Church offices were reorganized. The Deacon Board was established, and the Board of Trustees expanded.
Several choirs and auxiliaries were formed, including the Pastor's Aid Ministry, The Nurses Unit, the Men's Fellowship, The Sepia Players, the Hospitality Ministry, and State and Territory Clubs. Later, the Neighborhood Bible Study, the Sister to Sister Women’s Ministry, and the Voices of CPC were organized. Under Reverend Owens’ guidance, the church invested in an interstate bus service run by CPC Tours.
Rev. Lawrence Williams, our first Associate Minister, joined the church in 1979.
On September 10, 1982, our first Son in the Ministry, the late Rev. Peter Wilson, was ordained. In 1983, the first female Deacons were appointed: Queen Esther Dixon and Evon Harwell. On March 1, 1998, Deacon Milton Knights received the Right Hand of Fellowship, becoming a member of CPC.
On August 12, 2001, a Deacons’ Ordination Service was held for: James Nicholson, William Odom, Lewis Hill, Sybil Whinstanley, and Keith Williams. On May 3, 2002, our first Daughter in the Ministry, Minister Alyne Coy, was licensed to preach and was ordained on August 1, 2010. On December 3, 2006, our second son in the ministry, Minister Keith Williams, was licensed to preach.
The Ordination Service for our second daughter in the Ministry, Rev. Vernell Cooper, our second son in the ministry, Rev. Keith Williams, Deacons Glen Baksh Alfonso Garcia, James McQueen and Frances Wilson was held on January 30, 2011. On January 17, 2016, Ordination Service for Deacons Alexander Folson and Khyro Dawkins. On June 5, 2016, appointment of Walking Deacons Helen Atkins and Lorraine Folson.
In 2003, The Mighty Men of CPC, A Summer Choir and the C.E. Owens’ Children’s Choir were established. The Shepherd’s Ministry and the Dorcas Craft Ministry were organized in 2012.
In 2013, two new choirs were established: The Sound of Praise and the New Generation Youth Choir. A Children’s Liturgical Dance Group, Angels in Christ, was also established.
As the congregation continued to grow, Pastor Owens saw the need for larger, permanent quarters for our Church. On Sunday, November 13, 1994, the Groundbreaking Ceremony for our new church home at 1659 East Gun Hill Road, was fittingly held on the 18th Anniversary of Pastor’s Owens’s ministry at Community Protestant.
The Consecration Service for the New Church on Saturday, May 5, 2001, was the culmination of a sacred dream for our Pastor and the members of Community Protestant Church.
On August 21, 2003, the Certificate of Occupancy, the final approval for worship in our new edifice, was granted.
On April 18, 2009, the Cornerstone was laid at the base of our Church on Gun Hill Road.
In Memoriam: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, Sister Miriam Henson, a founding member and the oldest member of our congregation passed from labor to reward.
From its inception, the Church has engaged in extensive outreach programs, which benefit the community and beyond. The National Council of Negro Women, Co-op City Section was organized at our Church; The Men’s Club sponsored a Boy Scout Troop and a Girl Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack held their meetings at the Church. The CPC sponsored Spanish Congregation held services in the Annex each Sunday.
In October 2005, the Church spearheaded a fundraising drive to raise funds for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Over $9,000 was collected and forwarded to Oprah Winfrey’s Angel Network to purchase furnishings for the houses she was building for the hurricane victims.
On Saturday, April 25, 2009, Community Protestant, along with several other Bronx Churches, participated in the Gun Buy Back Program in cooperation with the New York City Police Department.
On February 23, 2013, The Deborah Women’s Ministry, organized in 2012, led by Rev. Patricia Lawson, donated and distributed over $3,000 worth of food as well as clothing to Hurricane Sandy victims, the residents of Far Rockaway at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church.
On March 13, 2011, a Defibrillator was presented to the Church by the late Mrs. Josephine Collins, President and the AARP Peachtree Chapter.
In Tribute: On Sunday, December 14, 2014, the James and Maggie Alston Fellowship Hall at Community Protestant was dedicated.
A year-long celebration of the 40th Anniversary of our Pastor, the Reverend Dr. Calvin E. Owens, as the Spiritual Leader of Community Protestant Church. The 40th Pastoral Anniversary Services for Pastor Owens were held on Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Pastor Owens encouraged the congregation to come boldly before the Throne of Grace in prayer, praise and supplication by instituting a mid-week prayer service. On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, the Noon Day Prayer – Hour of Power began at Community Protestant with a loyal and committed following.
In 2018, the Church continued to spread the gospel of Christ and to lend support and aid wherever the need was found.
The progress of the church from a small rented space on the lower level of the Bartow Shopping Center in Co-op City to this magnificent edifice on East Gun Hill Road is the result of our deep and abiding faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our love of God the Father and the indwelling fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We are assured that surely the Lord is in this place. This is none other than the house of God. And, with Christ as our guide we go boldly into the future as we celebrate 50 years of God’s faithfulness Yesterday, Today and Forever.
God Bless Community Protestant Church
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